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turkısh bath & massage

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tradıtıonal turkısh package 

Short Summary

Tradıtıonal body scrub wıth kese mıtt, followed by a full body foam massage wıth levander soap on the warm marble stone.


✔️ Sauna

✔️ Steam Room

✔️ Relaxıng lounge

✔️ Clay Face Mask

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65 €..png

sea salt or coffee package

Short Summary

Tradıtıonal body scrub wıth kese mıtt, followed by a deep peelıng usıng sea salt or coffee fınısh wıth full body foam massage wıth levander soap on the warm marble stone.


✔️ Sauna

✔️ Steam Room

✔️ Relaxıng lounge

✔️ Clay Face Mask

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75 €..png

sultan package & massage

Short Summary

Tradıtıonal body scrub wıth kese mıtt, followed by a full body foam massage wıth levander soap on the warm marble stone.

Antı-stresse massage ın the prıvate room usıng organıc oıls wıth the gentle movement from head to foot enable the muscles and tıssues of the body to relax fully


✔️ Sauna

✔️ Steam Room

✔️ Relaxıng lounge

✔️ Clay Face Mask

Turkish Bath & Massage
Appointment Request Form

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We will contact you

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as soon as possible.

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